The CJCA Executive met for the first time via ZOOM on the 6th of April and as well as dealing with normal business discussed the implications that COVID-19 may have going forward for the Association and its members.

The CJCA Executive meets via Zoom at its latest meeting
The last Financial Year saw a small surplus being reported and the 2019/20 season was seen as extremely positive one with the CJCA’s ability to support the additional employment of 2 Activators by Canterbury Cricket between November and March to expose more non-cricketers to the sport one of the highlights.
Increased functionality and use of both the registration platform and scoring platform of CricHQ will hopefully improve the necessary processes for clubs and feed through to a quality experience for players. Approximately 95% of all Year 7/8 games where fully scored on CricHQ and an excellent number of Year 5 & 6 full scorecards show the increased ease of scoring via the CricHQ App at games or the ability to transfer manual scorecards into CricHQ.
The CJCA’s Winter Training Programme was successfully delivered despite the lack of enough all-weather training facilities and it is hoped that this year enough access to all-weather facilities will improve the delivery of the programme and additional junior focused programmes and other community cricket access will be improved.
One of the CJCA’s core business of interclub/school cricket was delivered successfully with no significant issues to do with how the game was played having to be dealt with – this may be a reflection of the increased emphasis on Coach Education across the board and those involved embracing the CJCA core values of Fun, Participation, Opportunity and Respect.
The CJCA’s Spring and Summer Tournaments continue to be a core activity of the Association and through the support of volunteer coaches in Year 6,7 and 8 over 300 boys & girls had an opportunity to play more cricket and mix with boys and girls from a variety of clubs in Christchurch and in the case of girls from the wider Canterbury region. These games are umpired by Youth umpires many of whom have come through the CJCA “system” and their involvement greatly adds to the experience of both the players and the volunteer coaches.
At the higher end of the participation triangle the CJCA and Christchurch teams had a great season. CJCA teams won both of the Girls and Boys South Island Tournaments with the girls event growing to 10 teams for the first time. Christchurch Schools Heaton Intermediate (Girls) and Medbury School (Boys) won the New Zealand Cricket National Primary School Shield and Cup events in November 2019.

The victorious CJCA Red Girls team after winning the South Island Tournament at Burnside Park

The winning CJCA Red team with the Sir Jack Newman Trophy won in Westport in January 2020

Heaton Intermediate Girls – National Primary/Intermediate Champions 2019

Medbury School celebrate being National Primary/Intermediate Boys Champions 2019
The CJCA’s AGM is still planned for the 18th of May and clubs will be advised of a confirmed date and venue or other meeting method (possibly ZOOM) towards the end of April.
The Executive would like thank everyone in the CJCA Community for their efforts in the 2019/2020 and Association is well placed financially to be ready to deliver cricket going forward for the children of Christchurch as the city, region and nation works its way through its very difficult crisis.
Kia Kaha
Rob Wilkinson – on behalf of the CJCA Executive